Run Time
Run Time
This group of buttons controls the active running of a cue. The Play button will start a selected cue running, the same as the Space Bar or Enter key does. The others do as their titles would indicate. Those actions are also available to be performed as a cue themselves. That is the preferred way, such that the operator only has to worry about pressing the Space bar at the proper moment and not what function is needed. During a performance, these keys would not normally be needed.
These are the volume control sliders and the cue position button. The first two sliders are for the left and right stereo volumes of a played sound. If they are linked, moving one slider will move both. Unlinked, they are independent. While a cue is playing, if the right mouse button is down and the sliders moved, the volume will change. When the button is then released, a prompt will come up asking if the cue itself should be changed to this new volume. The slider with the green dot controls the computer's master volume level, which would be effective for all cues. This applies to sound cues sent out the computer's default sound output. A cue using a plug-in card or USB sound interface in addition is not affected.
The button will open a horizontal slider where the currently playing position in the sound or video file can be set. Useful during rehearsals. Move the mouse away from the slider to close the window.