Cue List
Cue List
The Cue list has 6 columns. The first is the Cue Number and is the list sorting key. All the cue numbers are sequential, but don't have to be equally spaced. The second is the Cue Call or the number of the cue that the stage manager will call to be played. The third is the description of the cue as it relates to the show, where the light is, what the sound is, what action is taking place, etc. The forth is the running time for the cue, in seconds or tenths of seconds. If the cue is a split fade, both times will show. The fifth column is the remaining run time of the cue. When not being played, it is the duration. The final column displays a green play icon if the cue is an autoplay cue. The description will also be indented by one for an autoplay cue. An Advance at Start cue is indicated by the blue down arrow. A Loop cue will show the curved arrow. X's are for crossfade cues. The cue you are sitting in (has been played) is marked in orange. A playing/in process cue will be colored green.